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"If you want to change the world,

YOU need to become a different kind of human being."





The Next Generation Project is an international, growing movement of film makers, performing artists, politicians and charity organisations that have become inspired to help spreading the message across the world to preserve the planet and well-being for our children and generations to come. The general message and slogan behind this project towards this awareness is: 'If you want to change the world, YOU need to become a different kind of human being'. The project evolves around the signature song 'All sharing in All (The Next Generation)'. Alexander travels the world to communicate the message through this song. In different countries he visits and performs with children choirs and international artists during concerts that help raising attention for this project and in particular the message. Celebrity musicans and singers perform different versions of the song in their country, which are filmed and spread through social media. The Next Generation Project started in India in 2016 where the video trailer for both the song and the project were recorded. After a charity concert, visiting children's organisations and charity funded initiatives the project was launched into the world.


After the release of the video trailer the song became the signature theme for the International Pay it Forward Day. In 2018 and 2019 the project found its way through invitations to The Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Tunisia and Cameroon. For 2020 in Tunisia and Cameroon charity concerts will be organized not to only spread the message but also to raise funds for national projects that involve the education and well-being for children. In each country, a network of people and organisations is formed in an organic way, with the inspiration and intention to create a strong impulse to spread the message nationally and worldwide. As this project's aim is a change in human thinking and acting, parallel to the charity concerts, a network of foundations facilitates meditation trainings and retreats to help people deal with the stress and pressure of a busy daily life, by which they are better capable of taking care of their families.








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